Uninvited Visitor - final


Audiences reaction to first draft of two mintue film

Our group decided to show our fellow classmates what we had accomplished so far on the films editing. By doing this we were given an insight on others opinions of our work whilst receiving constructive criticism to improve it also.

Many were impressed with what we were able to achieve ,as we had unfortunately lost a group member, leaving me and my partner having to work twice as hard to get the work done successfully.

It was suggested that the scene where the van drove past the phone box should be edited, using more techniques, transforming the editing to have more jagged and rough cutting shots, representing the difficulty and uneasiness of the situation unfolding before the viewers eyes.

The ending of the film gained positive remarks from my classmates , most of them commented on how they liked the way camera tilted to a high angle showing the door opening , whilst the "uninvited visitor" is unseen from viewers point of view, creating suspense and a nervous atmosphere.