Uninvited Visitor - final


'Dawn of the Dead' (2004) - Introductory Credits

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Dawn of the Dead is a 2004 American horror remake of George A. Romero's 1978 film of the same name. The remake and original both depict a handful of human survivors living in a shopping mall surrounded by swarms of zombies.

In my opinion the first 2 minutes of this film alone are enough to secure it a position amongst some of the best horror movies. I was genuinely freaked out the first time I saw this.

The movie is introduced with opening credits that appear to be as if they have been written in blood on a black background. I was impressed with the way the title was introduced and the way it dissolved off the screen like running blood. whilst short thrilling clips of the world in devastation, masses of people gathered in crowds running and screaming away from the unknown that could be the zombies arising the fear of death and torture.

Other clips of news reporters are shown, revealing the importance of the situation that is at hand, warning others of the infestation of a deadly disease, coincidentally some of the reporters get attacked themselves.

The audio in the background accompanying the clips is very effective as the sound of a heart beat is heard possibly referring to the fear and panic of a person, with chilling screams , with an unusual upbeat country song that completely contrasts with the gloomy , depressing story line.

For some reason this has effect on me as the viewer, making me prepare for the unexpected within the movie, as if things appear to be fine, when really the truth is, ...things couldn’t get much worse.