Uninvited Visitor - final


What the audience thought

In order for my group to gain opinions And criticisms from viewers we showed our film to a an audience consisting of fellow class mates and school teachers in the assembly hall.

The audience were given small pieces of paper and were instructed to note down their opinions on our film stating what they liked or disliked about the film. The sheets of paper were collected by me and my group allowing us to review the opinions given.

A majority of viewers liked our music

" i like the music throughout"
"enjoyed it , muic was good too ! "

and were very impressed with the cliff hanger at the end of our film

" it had a good cliff hanger ending"

Overall the majority of the feedback were positive and felt very rewarding and made me feel that my groups effort put into this film was worth it and lived up to our expectations of it.


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dat 4 filming

On the fourth day of filming all the characters were on set.

We first filmed the victims walking past the villain in the phone box unaware of his presence thanks to his camouflaged disguise.

We then filmed the victims walking across a pathway in a park with the villain following them behind. I mostly used pan shots movements and wide shots.

We then did some more filming shots of the victims walking side by side using a two shot ,shot.

Idea 2

An idea i have suggested is to leave a cliff hanger at the end of the film to leave the viewers in suspense making them sit at the edge of their seats.

This will be shown after the villain has entered the house and this is the part expected to where the climax of the film will commence but then it will end showing the villain slowly opening door and the camera tilting up to the ceiling , blocking the viewers view of the villains next move.

Evaluation Slide

Evaluation Presentation

Film Story line

After conjuring up our ideas together we finally came up with a storyline for our two minute film. Corrine suggested that we should perhaps involve two female characters in our film allowing us to be apart of the acting in our film.

We wanted our storyline to be simple in order for it to be easily followed and understood by the viewer with the help of the mise-en-scene and content simply speaking for itself.
As our genre is thriller we decided to involve the typical binary opposition to influence our characterisation with good and evil.

The story line consists of two female victims who are unaware that they are being followed by a stranger , they then lead the villain to a house which they enter and the villain then breaks in and becomes an 'uninvited visitor' hence the title of the name who is not welcomed as he is a threat to both of their lives.

Final film

Treatment posts

1. Is your idea practically possible to film?

My group have ensured that the content of the film is realistic and will be possible to film. We have also decided to add some sort of simplicity to the scenes avoiding an influence to punch above our belts and not reach towards a realistic goal.

2. Will it shows off the strengths of every member of your group?

In order for the production of out film to be a success my myself and group members will be taking on different roles with responsibilities, these will involve editing , filming , acting and directing. We will ensure that each group member will partake in the construction of our film reflecting their strengths and abilities and most importantly improve on their weak areas.
3. Can it be story boarded?

The story line we have created can be story boarded and will display each separate scene to help us with our organization and timing whilst filming.

4. Is it something you can reasonable shoot and edit in the time available? (two weeks shooting, six months editing)

Yes the time given to us to is reasonable and hopefully we will be able to accomplish the completion of our film before the deadline. Hopefully there will not be any disturbances to distract us.

5. can you get access/ permission to shoot in your chosen location?

The location we have decided to film in is a public area enabling us to film freely with no permission and this is a great advantage for the group.

6. Would lighting/ sound be an issue on location?

As we will be working in a considerably busy area near a train station and main road , there will be some noises in the background but hopefully we will able to edit the sound.
The area we are filming will be dark and we will be filming at night time , the area also has poor lighting however this is what we want for a dark and scary environment.

7. Are you going to include dialogue?

No, by doing this it will allow the viewer to concentrate more on the on the scenes.

8. Who will be your characters on the screen? are the reliable? will continuity be an issue?

The characters involved in the filming will be two of my group members and my sister and their punctuation will hopefully be reliable in order to include the important feature of continuity.

9. Have you thought of style of credits/ soundtrack?

Yes, the credits will be written in an impact font in the colour on a black background and the films title will be in the colour red signifying its importance .


Overall producing my own film was a very interesting and insightful experience. Helping me to understand the film making industry by practicing it first hand and using the latest technological equipment to develop it.