Uninvited Visitor - final


Garage Band

In class we were given the chance to go on the mac computers and explore the different sounds that we could use in our films. There was a huge collection of different sounds providing us with a large variety to choose from. Alot of the tunes that we played was recognizable to me, as i have heard them on t.v shows and songs i regularly listen to.
Using garageband for the first time was very exciting ,and i am looking forward to learning more about it , gaining more skills to use it to the best of my ability for the production of my films music.

Progress on my two minute film

In class my teacher asked to watch what we had done so far whilst editing our film. After she watched it she provided us with constructive criticism influencing us to improve our film and correct the mistakes we made , she also suggested some great ideas that we will develop on and include in our short clip.

Over all she was very supportive and seemed to be very impressed with our work , boosting our confidence to make this film.

Blair witch project / Paranormal Activity

Blair witch project / Paranormal Activity

In class today we had a discussion about our favorite horror films, and the 'Blair witch project' was mentioned as an example of a popular horror film that genuinely frightened a lot of the people who had claimed to have seen it.

This film is slightly similar to a new horror film called " Paranormal Activity" has been released and it has been a hot topic for discussion amongst my class mates , family members , friend ship circle , friends on facebook and my twitter followers.

Proving how popular the film is , however there are many mixed reactions to the film with people describing the sense of fear they experienced as uncomfortably overwhelming whilst watching it. And some even admitting to having NIGHTMARES : ,

Quote from facebook :
Anonymous person : " screamed like a b*tch on saturday while watchin paranormal activity, Whoever said it aint scary..LIED! :/"

whereas some people have claimed that the movie is completely over rated and did not scare them at all !

Quote from facebook :
Anonymous person : "Paranormal activity is the SHITTTTEST filmmm ive ever seeen in my lifeeeeeeeeeeeee"

I for one have not watched the movie yet and i am interested and excited in doing so.
My teacher proposed a little outing for the whole class to go and see it on monday after school and i just cant wait to see what all the fuss is about !

Film Questionnaire

1. Are you: Male Female

2. How old are you?

3. Do you like Horror Films?

4. If NO, please state the reason why.

5. If YES, what is it that you like about horror films?

6. Is there any thing you find inappropriate to watch in a horror film?

7. What sort of things do you expect to see in a horror film?

8. What film certificate do you usually go to watch?

9. What is your favourite horror film?

Please explain why.

10. What is your least favourite horror film?

Please explain why.

11. What do you expect in the first 10 minutes of a horror film?